
Thank you for visiting! This site provides coverage and results for every Arizona state tournament held for the Little League Baseball division (10-12 years old) since 1957.


This is not the official Little League Baseball website. We are not affiliated with Little League Baseball Incorporated, its international headquarters, or any chartered league. Little League Baseball has not in any way endorsed this site or its content.

"Little League Baseball" and "Little League" are registered trademarks of Little League Baseball, Inc., Williamsport, PA 17701, and are used here for identification purposes only. If you're looking for the official Little League Baseball home page, click here. Links to web sites for many individual leagues and districts can be found in the links section of this site.

What's New

(June 2024) -- We have begun our coverage of the 2024 Arizona state tournament -- click for details. If you can provide results or pairings for Arizona district tournaments that are not listed on this site, please contact the Unpage.

Our coverage of the Arizona state tournament launched on June 13, 2010. Click to contact the webmaster with any comments or questions about this site.

The Arizona State Tournament

Arizona joined the Little League family in 1950, when the state's first league was formed in Prescott. The state's population was just under 750,000 residents at the time, and as Little League Baseball established a foothold in the Western United States and Arizona's population boomed to its present-day 6 million+ level, the number of leagues and districts grew exponentially. Today, there are over 180 leagues and fourteen districts across the state.

Champions from these fourteen districts advance to the state tournament, where they compete to determine Arizona's state champion and representative in the West Region tournament in San Bernardino, California. The West Region champion then advances to the Little League World Series in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Six Arizona leagues have participated in the Little League World Series, including the state's most recent qualifier, Chandler National Little League in 2007. A pair of Tucson leagues, Cactus Little League in 1973 and Tucson International Little League in 1986, reached the Little League World Series championship game.

Ed Vosberg, a player on Cactus' 1973 team, became the first person ever to compete in the Little League World Series, College World Series, and Major League Baseball World Series competitions. He was a member of the University of Arizona's 1980 NCAA championship team and the 1997 Florida Marlins World Series championship team.

Click to view a timeline showing the evolution of the Arizona Little League tournament structure.

Unpage Sites - U.S. Region Tournaments

Great Lakes Region Mountain Region Southeast Region
Metro Region New England Region Southwest Region
Mid-Atlantic Region Northwest Region West Region
Midwest Region

Unpage Sites - International Region and National Tournaments

Australian Region Cuba NEW FOR 2025! France NEW FOR 2025!
Canadian Region Czechia NEW FOR 2025! Japanese Region

Unpage Sites - State and Provincial Tournaments

Alabama Illinois New York
Alaska Indiana North Carolina
Arizona Iowa Ontario
British Columbia Kansas Oregon
California (Northern) Maine Pennsylvania
California (Southern) Maryland Rhode Island
Colorado Massachusetts Tennessee NEW FOR 2025!
Connecticut Michigan Texas (East and West)
Delaware Minnesota Vermont
District of Columbia Montana Virginia
Florida Nevada Washington
Georgia New Hampshire Wisconsin
Hawaii New Jersey Wyoming
Idaho New Mexico

Unpage Sites - Region Tournaments (1957-2000)

Central Region Southern Region Western Region
Eastern Region

Unpage Sites - Region Tournaments (1949-1956)

Region 1 Region 4 Region 7
Region 2 Region 5 Region 8
Region 3 Region 6


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